Is Parking Enforcement a Long-Term Solution?

The number of automobiles on the road is increasing, and finding a parking spot has become an issue. As of August 2022, there are around 21 crore two-wheelers and 7 crore four-wheelers registered in India, which is outrageously higher than the number of parking spaces available for these vehicles. Delhi has the highest number of vehicles on its road, and other metropolitan cities follow.

As the vehicle number outgrows parking lots, the commotion on the road has also hiked, particularly with parking or related violations. So, for better management, we need enforcement of rules and regulations, making people obliged to follow norms.

Western countries have developed their way towards automatic services and have several smart parking systems to work for them. But our country still has a long way to automation as we are still figuring out how to abide by the law. Thus, parking enforcement is really essential for us to maintain the road management system of our nation. 

In this blog, we will learn about parking enforcement and its benefits for parking management.

What is Parking Enforcement?

Parking enforcement refers to the actions taken by local authorities to regulate and enforce parking rules and regulations within a designated area. It is essential to implement laws and regulations on people to prevent parking nuisance; this ensures that the limited available parking spaces are used fairly and efficiently and helps prevent illegal parking practices such as double parking and parking in handicapped spaces, and parking in restricted areas. 

Effective parking enforcement is critical, as it helps keep traffic flowing smoothly, reduces congestion, and promotes safety for pedestrians and motorists. It also helps to free up parking spaces for those who need them and ensures that emergency vehicles and delivery trucks have access to the roads and sidewalks they need.

✔️ Also Read: Impact of Parking Management in India

Ways of Doing Parking Enforcement

There is no question that we require additional parking space. However, because individuals are so accustomed to not paying for parking, they feel no obligation to do so anywhere and fail to utilise the available paid parking spaces. For effective parking enforcement, government authorities or private parking lot owners can use the following ways:

  • Make a parking enforcement plan

To develop a parking enforcement plan, you should note every point in detail. For if someone illegally parks on your property- 

  • What are the enforcement rules?
  • How are you going to enforce them?
  • What are the consequences of not obeying them? 
  • How are you planning to execute it?
  • Get the Unauthorised Vehicle Towed

If someone parks their car illegally in your space, you can get their vehicle towed by contacting the municipal cooperation or local authorities. You can also contact a private parking management company that provides such services. Getting someone’s vehicle towed may set a good example for people who demine the law and violate parking norms.

  • Utilise smart technology

Parking enforcement can be easily done with the introduction of innovative technologies. Western countries have adapted to smart technologies, making parking hassle-free. Seeking their guidance, we can use cameras and other technology to monitor and enforce parking rules, allowing them to identify the vehicles parked illegally. Cities should implement parking enforcement fairly and equitably and use technology and other tools to make parking as smooth and seamless as possible. Additionally, alternative parking solutions should be introduced, such as multi-storey parking, underground garages, and effective and safe car-sharing services, to help reduce the demand for street parking.

  • Put Necessary Signs

Another important aspect of parking enforcement is the use of signs and markings that clearly indicate the rules and restrictions of a particular area. This helps drivers understand where they can and cannot park and helps to prevent confusion and frustration.

  • Fines & Penalties

Clearly mention the fines and penalties for illegally parking on your property so that the violators are aware of the consequences. Put signages regarding the rules and regulations so the motorists can’t deny paying the fine.

Importance of Rules in Parking Enforcement

People must be made aware of the rules and guidelines about parking. The majority of individuals don’t know where to park or why they aren’t allowed to do so on sidewalks, in front of public buildings, or on private property without the owner’s permission. Signages might help people get information regarding the penalty they will incur if they park in prohibited places, such as in front of hospitals, schools, on major roads, or anywhere it causes obstruction and traffic congestion.

Benefits of Parking Enforcement

While parking enforcement is a crucial aspect of urban life, it can sometimes be a source of frustration for drivers. As the laws and guidelines, we must abide by are still unknown to most people, disturbances occur, resulting in chaos.

There are several benefits of parking enforcement, some of which are mentioned below:

  • It helps manage the parking space better and have complete control over it.
  • It can help in preventing vandalism on the street and parking lots.
  • It can ensure that people are disciplined and follow the rules of the designated site.
  • It helps improve the safety and security of parked vehicles and parking spaces.
In Conclusion

Parking enforcement plays a critical role in helping cities manage their limited parking resources, promote safety and reduce traffic congestion. While it can sometimes be a source of frustration for drivers, ensuring everyone has access to the parking spaces they need is essential. By using technology and alternative parking solutions, cities can help make the process of parking enforcement smoother, quicker and more efficient.

Several parking enforcement companies in India are working for better parking conditions and the implementation of parking laws. Indian Parking Association is an organisation that provides membership to those private parking enforcement companies working for a promising future in parking.